
Our laboratory investigates the mechanisms of the visual system. Using the mouse retina as a model system, we examine neural networks, synaptic connections, receptors, and voltage-gated channels and how they contribute to visual signal processing. The laboratory employs state-of-the-art technologies, including semi-automated patch clamp recordings, two-photon calcium imaging, multiple electrode array, immunohistochemistry, and behavioral studies. 


We are interested in vision research and neuroscience!

Please contact us.

Contact Address: Phone: 313-577-0837 (lab), PI: Tomomi Ichinose

Lab Location: Scott Hall Room 8314, 540 E. Canfield, Detroit, MI48201 

Recent News

Jeremy and Abdul presented their data at the Vision Workshop on October 18

Dr. Ichinose was promoted to be a Professor  Dept photo

Our mouse behavioral paper was selected as Featured Research in eNeuro    Article

Dr. Ichinose became a member of the NIH_BDE study section  

A new paper was published in Cell Reports.  School news. 




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Ichinose Lab